Wednesday, 4 January 2017



Salam semua and Happy New Year!

Sorry sangat sangat for you guys yang email and comment dalam blog post. I dont have the time to reply to be honest. 

Bertubi email masuk . Teehee~

Its not that I sengaja tak reply but actually I dont have the time to actually read the email one by one and replied. I just got married and Im still trying to find the momentum to finally have some blog editing time. 

I janji akan reply dalam this week sikit sikit and Im so sorry for the late reply. Just so you know, Im an engineer, a wife and a chef at home too. :p (i also have cats)

Yang dah dapat kerja . Tahniah! Yang tak dapat lagi: USAHA. 

All the best! I janji akan reply!

New year resolution: Spend more time on blogging and business.

What's yours?